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Ships navigation - preparation for departure- Damage to fixed and floating objects- How to mitigate huge claims?
Oceangoing cargo vessels preparations for departure ports involve many complexities, and careful consideration will need to be made for safe unberthing.
Summarized below are some basic check items that need to be complied with. Watch officers should also keep in mind that the procedures explained here are only indicative, not exhaustive in nature, and must always be guided by practices of good seamanship. Also, specific ship will have her characteristics.
The Master shall announce the estimated time of departure by having the sailing notice board updated soon after berthing. He shall ensure that "Departure Checklist" has been completed and that all items in the checklist have been complied with, prior departing.
Safety station for engine trial on a berth
The Master shall arrange Deck Officers and Deck Ratings at the following stations at Main Engine Trial after ensuring it is safe to do so.-
The Second Officer shall be at the Stern to ensure all mooring lines are taut and there is adequate clearance Aft.
The Third Officer shall attend to the Engine Telegraph on the Bridge and keep contact with the Bow, the Stern and the Engine room
- The Bosun or an Able Seaman shall be on the Bow to ensure all mooring lines are taut and there is adequate clearance Fore.
- An Able Seaman shall be stationed at the Gangway to take care of it.
Confirmation for preparation for departure
The Master shall ensure that the vessel is seaworthy in all respects before departing from a port.
When incidents ocurred
Damage to fixed and floating objects usually occur when a vessel is entering or leaving a port. If damage occurs when a vessel is entering a port, the Master should report the incident as soon as possible to owners. If possible, the Master also should contact the local P & I representatives and request them to attend and assist.
If damage occurs when the vessel is leaving a port, the Master should resist any temptation to ignore the incident in the hope that the damage will be minimal, and there were no witnesses. Owners should be notified as soon as possible in order that inquiries may be made to ascertain the extent of the damage.
Evidence by the master
In cases of substantial damage, owners and their insurers will appoint expert surveyors to assess the extent of any damage and repairs. To assist the surveyors, who may not arrive at the scene immediately, the Master must assemble as much contemporaneous evidence as possible.
However, the Master should note that it is not only significant incidents that require vigilance. Minor contacts with fixed and floating objects can lead to local authorities' substantial claims unless the owners and their insurers can produce contemporaneous evidence from the vessel to refute the allegations and minimize the extent of any claim.
The Master should ensure that the report of the incident he prepares includes the following information: -
The date, time, and location of the incident- The information should be as precise as possible, for example, if the vessel comes into contact with a pier, the Master should note the number of the pier.
- The conditions prevailing at the time- The Master should note whether it was day or night, the weather conditions, visibility, sea state, the incidence of swell and the state of tides and currents.
- Details of the vessel "s maneuvers- The Master should note whether the vessel was entering or leaving a port or locks, berthing, assisted by tugs, or whether there was a pilot onboard the vessel.
- Names and addresses of al crew members, pilots, tug crews, shore workers or any other persons who witnessed the incident- If time allows the Master should attempt to obtain from the witnesses their account of the incident.
- Details of the damaged object- The Master should note whether the damaged object was old or new, whether it was well used, whether it was well illuminated and marked, whether there were any signs of damage or defects to the object other than that caused by the vessel if possible. The Master should ensure that photographs or sketches of the damage are taken.
Related procedures and rules
The Master and crew shall make preparations for the departure in compliance with the following related procedures in addition to these procedures:-
Securing arrangement for cargo ships - Design
,stack weight distribution
& Metacentric height (GM)
- Procedures for securing for sea
Procedures for Confirming Stability and Hull Strength
Procedures for cargo securing and causes of lashing failure
Procedures for Confirmation of Closure of Openings
Procedure for pilotage
Procedures for Smuggling Prevention
Procedures for Robbery and Stowaway Prevention
Procedures for Navigational Watchkeeping
- Measures to prevent drug trafficing
Procedures for GMDSS Communication
Local laws and port regulations ( also CFR, etc.)
Ship Security Plan (SSP)
Related forms
“Departure Checklist”
“Passage Plan”
”Stability and Hull Strength Checklist”
“Stevedore and Cargo Security Statement” (as required)
“Visitor’s Record Book” (control of Visitors’ pass)
“Crew Shore Record Book”
“Ship Search Checklists”
"Stevedore No Injury Report"
More information
Cargo ships checklist for Departure
Deck officers guideline for watchkeeping in port
Passage planning guideline for oceangoing ships
More shipboard operation and safety matters
Safe anchoring - planning and operational guidance for cargo ships
Anchor watch check item - deck officers guideline
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What are the emergency procedures for loss of anchor and chain?
In case of damage to anchor and chain when to claim for '' general average"?
Ships arrival in ports - check item prior entry
Ships navigation in restricted visibility check items
Rules of ships navigation in restricted visibility
Ships navigation in confined water - matters that require attention
Securing your vessel for sea passage - when to check and what to check
Collecting Information and Data for Passage Planning

Other info pages !
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Safety in engine room Standard procedures
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ShipsBusiness.com is merely an informational site about various aspects of ships operation,maintenance procedure,
prevention of pollution and many safety guideline. The procedures explained here are only indicative,
not exhaustive in nature and one must always be guided by practices of good seamanship.
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