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Inspection and securing for sea - Guideline for ship when to check and what to check
Many maritime accidents are caused by the mistakes of ship personnel for inadequate sailing preparation. To avoid recurrences of the fatality deck and engine department must be well prepared before a vessels departure for a voyage at sea. These arrangements may include many complexities, and this is the reason why a bunch of things should be recognized and prepared delicately to ensure a smooth voyage passage and safe navigation.
When to check
The Master shall ensure that the Chief Officer and Chief Engineer secure or inspect movable or vulnerable articles and equipment on board the vessel on the following occasions:-
Before leaving port ( or sheltered waters if unavoidable)
If rough weather is expected
Soon after navigation in rough weather
Others , as required
What to check
All loose items on deck, inside the accommodation, and E/R spaces, including under-deck passages and steering flat, are firmly secured. In heavy weather, any unsecured items risk not only being damaged themselves but could also pose a danger to vessel safety by violent contact with sensitive equipment or fittings.
Any stores or spares received in port must be stowed at their designated positions.
In extreme circumstances, when it is impracticable to do so immediately, they must be protected and lashed very thoroughly. Cases have occurred where expensive spares have been burnt from funnel sparking (esp. after EGE wash).
Securing cargo is as per the requirements laid down in the Cargo Securing Manual
Other loose items including stores are so secured that the arrangement will withstand the transverse and longitudinal forces at sea which may give rise to sliding or tipping of the item.
Cranes, trolley hoists, davits are housed and well secured.
Windlasses, mooring winches, hawsers, wires, and any associated mooring equipment are free from damage and ready for re-use.
Motors, electrical equipment, and hydraulic piping are well protected.
Power supplies and distribution boards for mooring equipment, especially remotely located, are protected from damage.
Anchors, Pilot ladders and Gangways shall, after use, be properly stowed and secured, (upon departure only when confirmation received from the bridge).
Confirmation and record of securing
The following checklists shall be used to confirm the securing condition:
Cargo ships preparation for sailing
Checklist for Navigation in Heavy weather
Checklist for Departure
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