Sewage is human body waste and the waste from toilets and other receptacles intended to receive or retain body waste, which is discharged from the vessel. Sewage is naturally rich in both phosphorous and nitrogen, which encourages the excessive growth of plants and algae, creating toxic algae ‘blooms’.
When these plants and algae die, they are decomposed by bacteria that also remove oxygen from the water, killing other marine life.
Sewage is also a source of pathogens such as viral hepatitis, cholera, typhoid fever, and a range of stomach and intestinal diseases. MARPOL 73 / 78 Annex IV
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage of Ships entered into force on August 1, 2005, and applied to new and existing ships of:-
400+ gross tonnage
- less than 400 gross tonnage certified to carry more than 15 persons.
- 'New ship' is one for which the building contract or keel was laid on or after 27 September, 2003 or delivered on or after September 23, 2006.
- Existing ships had to comply by 27 September 2008
Revised Sewage Standards
The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) at its 55th session in October 2006, adopted revised guidelines on sewage treatment plants (see resolution MEPC.159(55)). The revised guidelines apply to sewage treatment plants installed on or after January 1, 2010.
The MEPC also adopted a standard for the maximum rate of discharge of untreated sewage from holding tanks when at a distance equal or greater than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land (see resolution MEPC.157(55)).
Marpol annex IV was revised and updated by IMOs Marine
Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2000, and
came into force on September 27, 2003. It applies to
vessels engaged in international voyages and set out in
detail how sewage should be treated or held aboard ship,
and the circumstances in which discharge into the sea may
be allowed.
This Annex applies to all new ships (built after the date
of entry into force of the Annex) of 400 gt and over, and
to new ships of less than 400 gt which are certified to carry
more than 15 persons.
Five years after it enters into force i.e., from September 27, 2008, the Annex will also apply to exist
ships of 400 gt and over, and to existing ships of less than
400 gt, which are certified to carry more than 15 persons.
The Master shall prevent marine pollution by complying with “MARPOL Annex IV” and any local or domestic law and regulations.
“Sewage” means:-
Drainage and other waste from any form of toilet
Drainage from medical premises (hospital etc.) via washbasins and scuppers located in such premises
Other wastewaters when mixed with the drainage defined above
Prohibition on Sewage Discharge
The discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited, except when:-
The ship has an approved Sewage Treatment Plant in operation which has been certified by the flag state, and the effluent does not produce visible floating solids in, nor cause discoloration of the surrounding water, OR
The ship is discharging the sewage at a distance of more than 12 miles from the nearest land, and proceeding at not less than 4 knots (in case Plant stopped for maintenance)
Where the vessel is operating in waters under the jurisdiction of a State where the local requirements are more stringent than above, these should comply.
The Chief Engineer or Officer is to confirm that the sewage overboard valves are positively locked in the closed position to ensure no accidental direct discharge.
Sewage Treatment Plant
The Master should keep on board the certificate of type-approval of the Sewage Treatment Plant including the USCG Certification (provided by the manufacturer).
Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant
The Master shall designate the officer in charge to have him carry out the following matters:-
Keep operating the Sewage Treatment Plant all the time, in principle.
The inspection and maintenance shall be done under the Makers Instruction Book.
For the type which requires the addition of chemicals, these should be stocked and added as required by manufacturer’s instruction.
Rules and Regulations for Reference :
• U.S. Regulation, 33CFR, Part 159 (Marine Sanitation Device)
California No Discharge Zone
Prohibiting Vessel Sewage in all California Marine Waters
Effective March 28, 2012, the following vessels prohibited from discharging all sewage, whether treated or not, while in California marine waters:-
Large Passenger Vessels of 300 gross tons or greater that have berths or overnight accommodations for passengers.
Large Oceangoing Vessels of 300 gross tons or higher, including private, commercial, government, or military vessels equipped with a holding tank with remaining capacity or containing sewage generated before entry into California marine waters.
Related articles
- Marpol annex I - Preventing pollution by oil -Notes on Oily Water Separators
Marpol Annex II -Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
Marpol annex III -Pollution by other harmful substances & harmful packaged goods
- Marpol annex IV - Prohibition on Sewage Discharge
Marpol annex V - Pollution by garbage
Marpol annex VI - Pollution by air
Prohibition on use of harmful (TBT) anti-fouling paints
Pollution by ballast water
Prevention of pollution while carrying out overboard maintenance
Environment friendly purchasing
Environmental awareness
Burning of heavy fuel oil & diesel oil - Environmental impacts
Preventing air pollution various guideline:

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Ships Charterparties Related terms & guideline
Stevedores injury How to prevent injury onboard
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