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Burning of diesel and heavy fuel oil -Disposal and handling of sludge
It is internationally recognized that the burning of Diesel and Heavy Fuel Oil can result in many environmental impacts.
When fuel is combusted, pollutants such as the Oxides of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur are emitted to the atmosphere.
These can contribute to the effects of Greenhouse gases and acid rain.
Mitigating environmental impacts following to be ensure:
- The main and auxiliary engines are operated according to manufacturers instructions
- The main and auxiliary engines are properly maintained as per the manufacturers instructions and the vessels planned maintenance system
- Funnel exhaust is correctly monitored to ensure efficient combustion
- Speed is correctly adjusted to avoid excess fuel consumption whilst staying within the parameters of the charterers requirements
- Speed is reduced in heavy weather to avoid unproductive consumption apart from the safety aspect
- The automatic pilot is correctly set to avoid frequent and excessive helm movements
- The condition of the ships bottom is regularly inspected for signs of fouling or damage to coating
- The condition of the ships propeller is regularly inspected for signs of damage
- Ancillary systems, including lighting, ventilation systems, galley ranges, steam supplies etc are turned off when not required
Disposal and handling of sludge
Residual wastes, such as sludge containing oil or petroleum wastes from the engine room, must be disposed of safely and responsibly and in full compliance with MARPOL regulations. Slop or sludge tanks on the vessel are to be used for the preliminary storage of such waste. The disposal will be either directly to shore facilities or onboard incinerators or by other acceptable means, as stated in the supplement to the IOPP Certificate “Form A/B.”
There may be cases when the vessel has insufficient approved free capacity to reach shore reception facilities, as stated in the IOPP Supplement Form A/B. Hence the transfer of engine-room sludge to the cargo system slop tanks may only be carried out after contact with the management office has been made and flag authorization for the transfer provided.
A Risk Assessment and Critical Operations Checklist must be created by the vessel and reviewed by the management office before starting any such transfer.
Sludge is to be considered “contaminated, hazardous and toxic” and therefore, must be handled with care by competent staff using appropriate equipment and protective clothing. Sludge may contain a mixture of a variety of contaminants, including rust, sand, dust, refinery catalytic fines, asphaltenes, acids, alkalis, various elements such as aluminum, silicon, vanadium, sodium, etc. There is also the possibility that fats, toxic leaded compounds, bacterial and fungal micro-organisms may be present.
The above may result in a hazardous and toxic situation with the presence of harmful gases or vapors. Thus there is a significant danger of explosion and fire as well as the dangers associated with toxic chemicals. Besides, the presence of infectious substances, asbestos, radioactive and corrosive substances may also be possible.
When cleaning tanks, personnel must be made aware of and follow the correct safety measures. These include the wearing of full protective clothing and respiratory equipment. Avoiding the inhalation of fumes and contact with skin when handling sludge is of the highest importance. The heating of sludge tanks may also increase the risk to personnel. Accordingly, a risk assessment must be undertaken before any operation involving the transfer or handling sludge is carried out.
Energy efficiency measures- Various factors to consider
Energy efficiency measures -Trim optimization
Energy efficiency measures- Ballast water management
Health hazards of using Asbestos and countermeasures
Energy efficiency measures- Causes of hull Hull roughness and preventive measures
Energy efficiency measures- hull roughness reduction
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